Did you know that today, April 2nd, 2021 is World Marbles Day? Did you even know there was such a thing as World Marbles Day? Well there is... and the actual date changes from year to year but is always consistent with Good Friday.
The tradition of World Marbles Day dates all the way back to a 1588 Marbles Tournament and has been played annually since 1938. The game of marbles has its origins as a form of dueling for young suitors competing for the hand of a Tinsley Green milk maiden. In this case, the winner may not take all, but the winner does take the milk maiden.
In current times, the Marbles Championship is a British national event that takes place at Tinsley Green with participants hailing from around the world.
Playing marbles is a fun, simple game that anyone can play. So go ahead, join the game and shoot your best shot! Marble Rules at Tinsley Green
Resources: holidaysmart.com